
Break in momentum :(

May 14, 2011
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Had chicken and veggies for dinner. Got it from the hot food cart on the street.  I didn’t get any rice so I figure it cldnt be thy bad for me. And I only ate half of the carton. I did get the creamy white sauce tho.

So I won’t get to the gym in the next two days and I may not get to walk 40 blocks. Today I’m out of town visiting my BF. Tmrw I will be back home but the BF will be with me and I term funny leaving him to go to the gym when we rarely see each other as it is…maybe we will take a walk. Sigh. I had a good jog yesterday. Don’t want to lose this momentum.

Had SW cereal w fruit. Committibg to a healthy lunch. I don’t get to pig out just cuz I’m outta town. Day 30.

Looks like…

May 13, 2011
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This will be a slow and painful weight loss. Oh well. I must remember all the cliches…slow and steady wins the race, etc. It just frustrating bc i’d like to he thin NOW. Or at least the weight I wad when I went on my first cruise in 09.

I see this blog is turning out to be solely a weight loss journal. It’s cool though, its a miracle I’ve managed to blog ok a consistent basis at all.

Last night I had rest of baked fish on toasted pita for dinner. So good! Had mayo (bad I know) w hotsauce and sprinkle of cheese. Again, not the best but I did not binge and I did not eat any junk and/or triggering foods.

This morning I had SW. I hate how soggy it gets blech. I wound up leaving 5-6 pieces behind bc they were just too soggy to eat. Had a bannana and raisins in my cereal as well.

For lunch went to bodega and had honey turkey on whole wheat w swiss cheese, mustard, onions and lettuce which was very good. For dinner I plan on getting a big salad.

Went to gym earlier today, 15 min jog and 15 min walk on treadmill. 15 min on stairmaster. It felt good. I’m not feeling as heavy these days.


May 13, 2011
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Day 18. I see i’m getting slack in my daily blogging . I feel like being accountable to this journal helps keep me on track.

Note – yesterday I did Zumba and ran for 15 min, walked for 15. Lunch was baked fish, lettuce, toasted pita. Some bites of whole wheat rigatoni pasta. Dinner was Starbucks roasted veggies on I believe Ciabatta bread.


1/4 bagel toasted w butter (I asked for whole wheat toast but somehow the store worker heard “bagel”. GRRRR.

Went to lunch w/Chaz. Had kale for 1st time, very good! And salas w octopus! potato and celery, yum.

Snack: bannana

Dinner: toasted pita w baked fish, some bites of whole wheat rigatoni pasta. Hm. gotta keep my eye on this.

Exercise: 1 hour on treadmill. Honestly dont know how long I jogged. Was on the phone most of the time arguing w my BF. SMDH. I did go past two miles though. Yay.

Day 17

May 11, 2011
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Yes, I missed day 16. Stayed at work till midnight bc had to finish up some work before vacay. No gym or 40 block walk – WAHHHHHH. Oh well. Manager to stay on track w eating (kinda) despite the fact that I stayed at work so late. Working late usually leads me to feeling sorry for myself and thinking I “deserve” to “treat” myself w junk food. Not this time. Still felt sorry for myself, but this challenge and my health in general are most impt. So just ate toast for bkfast, a salad for lunch, healthy snacks (almonds raisins Apple bannana) and waited til I got home (past 12am!!) To eat. Although I planned on eating my regular dinner when I got home I was just too sleepy. So I ate a small bag of popcorn and drank some juice. Healthy? No. In line w/ my no binge/junk food rule? Yes.

Today I’m not off to the greatest start – its past 1pm and I haven’t done exercise yet, but I will get it in!

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Day 15

May 10, 2011

Starting to feel discouraged. Felt so fat today and had a very difficult time on the treadmill today. Feel like I am not losing weight quick enough and my stomach looks bigger. Maybe too much milk in my coffee? Is it the swiss cheese slice I have everyday with my sandwich for lunch? I want to cry.

Whole wheat toast w butter
Almonds and raisins
Pesto pasta salad from starbucks for dinner (hard to believe only 350 or 370 calories)
15 min PAINFUL jog on treadmill, 10 min walk, 20 min ok elliptical which was the one exercise I felt decent about tonight. Lord help me not to get too discouraged, help me not give up.

Fatigued. Day 14.

May 9, 2011
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That’s pretty much it.

SW and fruit
Abt to eat salad with toppings (chicken, pasta, carrots, dried cranberries, croutons, shredded cheese for dinner.)

Walked 36 blocks. My walk home from the bus stop will put me at 39 blocks. Maybe when I get home I will run in place for a minute to put me at 40 LOL

Lawd have Mercy

May 7, 2011
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I did Zumba this morning. Then 30 minutes on the elliptical. Thought I would PASS OUT. Not sure why so fatigued today. Maybe its the continuous exercising. They say you should take days off, especially after strenuous exercising. But my challenge! Maybe tomorrow I won’t even do Zumba, I will JUST WALK on the treadmill or maybe even outside. That should be ok to do.

I ate my same bkfast and lunch that I have been eating all work week. Its nice to have a schedule and routine. I don’t have to think about what I’m going to eat, how many calories it has, getting something that has a questionable amount of calories or health value. I just eat my planned meals and go on with my life.

Tonight however I will be dining with one of my fave people. We are getting sushi so I shouldn’t be able to get into too much trouble. However, dining out always is dangerous for me b/c of alcohol and desserts. Honestly I haven’t decided if I’m going to drink tonight. I really shouldn’t considering how last Saturday turned out. I even promised myself on this blog I wouldn’t drink and I wound up having FOUR drinks (maybe 5). Sigh. Maybe I should take the same approach to drinking as I have with junk food – just for today, i’m not having a drink. I really don’t believe I have a problem with alcohol, like I said I just think it makes it easier for me to make poor food decisions. And alcohol IS caloric (so unfair!) The more I think about how many empty calories it has, and how I nearly passed out on the elliptical today, sweating like a damned race horse, the more willing I am to not have a drink tonight.

So last night (Friday night, I think the dates are all wacky on this blog) I was at grams house and promptly fell asleep after I ate my dinner (leftovers of rice, eggplant, pasta and fish). I woke up after 11pm and debated staying the night. Pros: I was so comfy, didn’t feel like getting up. Just wanted to go back to sleep. Con: There are BAGS of hersheys kisses in grams’ fridge. She even has a couple scattered in the candy dish in her foyer! Usually she just has those hard candies no one likes, but yesterday I saw the chocolatey delicious morsels wrapped in tin foil as soon as I came in the door. DRAT. “I can have just one, can’t I” I thought as I came through the door. I quickly heated up my dinner so that I could distract myself. But when I woke up from my nap that night, I KNEW that if I decided to sleep over there would be no way I would win my battle against the hershey kisses. Grams was sleep so there would be no one to witness my binge. And trust me, it WOULD be a binge b/c there was no way I was just having one tiny hershey kiss. Or 3. Or 5. Sure I would plan to have those small amounts but I know I would quickly descend on them, eating damn near the whole bag. I was half sleep, physically tired from the work/exercise week and wanting comfort. Once I got that first rush of sugar there would be no turning back. So I quickly put on my shoes, kissed grams good night and got the heck outta there. PHEW. SereneintheCity: 1. Hershey Kisses: 0. Round two will be tomorrow, Sunday, when I go to Grams’ house for mother’s day. Wish me luck. Oh, today is day 13.

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Achy Breaky

May 7, 2011
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Last night I was so uncomfortable. My thighs and calves were especially in pain. I guess it has been all the Zumba and treadmill fun. If I wasn’t on this challenege I would definitely take today off. But I’ve made a commitment to myself! 18 more days!!!!

Yesterday was day 12 and I ate well. SW with fruit for bkfast, sandwich for lunch, apple for snack, leftovers (pasta, fish, rice and eggplant) for dinner. Dinner is a tricky issue. I feel like I overeat dinner. Bkfast and lunch are great and pretty much regulate themselves in terms of portion sizes. I’m allowed approximately 1 cup of cereal, a whole bannana and a handful of raisins. For lunch I can only fit so much onto my pita bread! But for dinner – I can add this or that to my plate and I think most times I add too much. But i’m not gonna beat myself up about that right now, as long as I have healthy things to eat for dinner and I do not binge eat – I am still abiding by the guidelines of my challenge.

Yesterday I also went to the gym (no Zumba, tear). Did jogginig for 15, walking for 15, stairmaster for 15.

Starting to have food cravings. ESPECIALLY for ice cream. Damn Mr. Softee truck! And there are ice cream/frozen yogurt/gelato stores popping up EVERYWHERE!! So hard to resist! Lord please help me! One day at a time!! I am so forgetful about my past, so quick to forget the fact that two weeks ago I COULD NOT STOP eating after just one bite of something bad for me. Even if I eat frozen yogurt, which is relatively harmless, there’s a strong likelihood it will trigger my cravings for other junk food. I can’t afford to eat even a BITE of one of my trigger foods. Its just not worth it. It starts this whole cycle of overeating, bingeing, feeling crappy about myself and vowing to go on another diet. I don’t want to do this anymore. I keep coming back to this place of wanting to get healthy and lose weight. So I might as well just stay in this place of eating healthy and not eating junk foods. Will I NEVER have an ice cream cone again? Not necessarily. I may be able to have one in the future. But not today.


May 6, 2011
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On day 12. Not exactly sure how much progress that is since my scale at home was broken when I originally weighed myself – but this IS progress.

When I went to bed last night I realized my shoulders don’t hurt as much anymore. I know this is bc I’m working out and eating less. My boobs are SLOWLY getting smaller. I will never be a C cup, but I know I can get the girls down to a manageable size to where they don’t cause discomfort. I don’t know of its bc I’m getting older (bc ive certainly been heavier in my life) but the excess weight in my chest really started to wreak havoc on my shoulders. It was painful at one point to even lift or extend my arms TWO WEEKS ago. It was especially painful laying down – putting any weight on my shoulders as I laid down was super painful. Must remember this when I want to sit down on my couch and eat a big old bowl of ice cream and watch Judge Judy.


May 6, 2011
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Today is day 11. At some point I must reconfigure and edit this blog.

Shredded wheat w fruit : check.
Sandwich: check.
Almonds for snack: check
Apple for snack: Nah, its still sitting in my bag!! Maybe that’s why I’m famished right now!

On my way home from Zumba and the treadmill. It was very hard today bc my big belly kept hitting the emergency stop button on the treadmill, SIGH. But I completed my work out and feel good. Sore as hell, but good. I have leftovers waiting for me for dinner – rice, chicken and asparagus.

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