
Achy Breaky | May 7, 2011

Last night I was so uncomfortable. My thighs and calves were especially in pain. I guess it has been all the Zumba and treadmill fun. If I wasn’t on this challenege I would definitely take today off. But I’ve made a commitment to myself! 18 more days!!!!

Yesterday was day 12 and I ate well. SW with fruit for bkfast, sandwich for lunch, apple for snack, leftovers (pasta, fish, rice and eggplant) for dinner. Dinner is a tricky issue. I feel like I overeat dinner. Bkfast and lunch are great and pretty much regulate themselves in terms of portion sizes. I’m allowed approximately 1 cup of cereal, a whole bannana and a handful of raisins. For lunch I can only fit so much onto my pita bread! But for dinner – I can add this or that to my plate and I think most times I add too much. But i’m not gonna beat myself up about that right now, as long as I have healthy things to eat for dinner and I do not binge eat – I am still abiding by the guidelines of my challenge.

Yesterday I also went to the gym (no Zumba, tear). Did jogginig for 15, walking for 15, stairmaster for 15.

Starting to have food cravings. ESPECIALLY for ice cream. Damn Mr. Softee truck! And there are ice cream/frozen yogurt/gelato stores popping up EVERYWHERE!! So hard to resist! Lord please help me! One day at a time!! I am so forgetful about my past, so quick to forget the fact that two weeks ago I COULD NOT STOP eating after just one bite of something bad for me. Even if I eat frozen yogurt, which is relatively harmless, there’s a strong likelihood it will trigger my cravings for other junk food. I can’t afford to eat even a BITE of one of my trigger foods. Its just not worth it. It starts this whole cycle of overeating, bingeing, feeling crappy about myself and vowing to go on another diet. I don’t want to do this anymore. I keep coming back to this place of wanting to get healthy and lose weight. So I might as well just stay in this place of eating healthy and not eating junk foods. Will I NEVER have an ice cream cone again? Not necessarily. I may be able to have one in the future. But not today.

1 Comment »

  1. You are doing well Shak. It is true, if certain things trigger you eating bad you just gotta stay away for awhile. I’m sure with enough time passing you will feel differently towards treats and may not even want them as much.

    Comment by Chasity — May 7, 2011 @ 4:05 pm

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