
Lawd have Mercy | May 7, 2011

I did Zumba this morning. Then 30 minutes on the elliptical. Thought I would PASS OUT. Not sure why so fatigued today. Maybe its the continuous exercising. They say you should take days off, especially after strenuous exercising. But my challenge! Maybe tomorrow I won’t even do Zumba, I will JUST WALK on the treadmill or maybe even outside. That should be ok to do.

I ate my same bkfast and lunch that I have been eating all work week. Its nice to have a schedule and routine. I don’t have to think about what I’m going to eat, how many calories it has, getting something that has a questionable amount of calories or health value. I just eat my planned meals and go on with my life.

Tonight however I will be dining with one of my fave people. We are getting sushi so I shouldn’t be able to get into too much trouble. However, dining out always is dangerous for me b/c of alcohol and desserts. Honestly I haven’t decided if I’m going to drink tonight. I really shouldn’t considering how last Saturday turned out. I even promised myself on this blog I wouldn’t drink and I wound up having FOUR drinks (maybe 5). Sigh. Maybe I should take the same approach to drinking as I have with junk food – just for today, i’m not having a drink. I really don’t believe I have a problem with alcohol, like I said I just think it makes it easier for me to make poor food decisions. And alcohol IS caloric (so unfair!) The more I think about how many empty calories it has, and how I nearly passed out on the elliptical today, sweating like a damned race horse, the more willing I am to not have a drink tonight.

So last night (Friday night, I think the dates are all wacky on this blog) I was at grams house and promptly fell asleep after I ate my dinner (leftovers of rice, eggplant, pasta and fish). I woke up after 11pm and debated staying the night. Pros: I was so comfy, didn’t feel like getting up. Just wanted to go back to sleep. Con: There are BAGS of hersheys kisses in grams’ fridge. She even has a couple scattered in the candy dish in her foyer! Usually she just has those hard candies no one likes, but yesterday I saw the chocolatey delicious morsels wrapped in tin foil as soon as I came in the door. DRAT. “I can have just one, can’t I” I thought as I came through the door. I quickly heated up my dinner so that I could distract myself. But when I woke up from my nap that night, I KNEW that if I decided to sleep over there would be no way I would win my battle against the hershey kisses. Grams was sleep so there would be no one to witness my binge. And trust me, it WOULD be a binge b/c there was no way I was just having one tiny hershey kiss. Or 3. Or 5. Sure I would plan to have those small amounts but I know I would quickly descend on them, eating damn near the whole bag. I was half sleep, physically tired from the work/exercise week and wanting comfort. Once I got that first rush of sugar there would be no turning back. So I quickly put on my shoes, kissed grams good night and got the heck outta there. PHEW. SereneintheCity: 1. Hershey Kisses: 0. Round two will be tomorrow, Sunday, when I go to Grams’ house for mother’s day. Wish me luck. Oh, today is day 13.

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